Location: Damariscotta

In a year where everything was upside down, you really needed your people to step up and do more than normal. In 2021 everyone was challenged in this way, and we had several performances that really shined through. One individual, Brian Etheridge, was definitely one of those people whose performance really exemplified what we look for in all of our employees. He’s kind of become like “Old Faithful” in Damariscotta, any time we need something, Brian is there to help us out. When we were down two drivers this fall, Brian just kept chugging along carrying the load. In addition to his great work performance and attitude, he has become our own internal “cruise-ship director.” Whenever we have events or celebrations, he’s in charge of the entertainment. During our ‘Best Places to Work’ cookout celebrations, he’s always in charge of the music—and, this year he organized a corn hole tournament which turned out to be a blast for the entire crew. Every year at our holiday party Brian organizes a ‘Yankee Swap’ event which has become quite the tradition! Thank you, Brian, for everything you do and congratulations on being named Damariscotta’s employee of the year for the second time!