Congratulations to Alex Hall on being Hancock Lumber’s Top Project Pro in the month of October! Read Alex Hall’s Story
High Fives
Laurie Foustoukos High Five!
Congratulations to Laurie Foustoukos on being Hancock Lumber’s Top Kitchen Designer in the month of October! Read Laurie Foustoukos’s Story
Mainely Trusses Team High Five!
Thank you to everyone that participated in this year’s fundraiser and food drive. I am happy to announce that Mainely Trusses was able to present a $1,000 check along with several bags + boxes of non-perishable food to the shelter this morning. The money and food will greatly help support those in need. It could […]
Eric Stevenson High Five!
I had a small order of material set for delivery last Friday. I got home a bit after 3pm and no lumber. Already making a mental pivot for what I’d be doing with my weekend, I called Eric to check in. Turned out that two boom trucks had broken down that day but, despite that, […]
Arron Hammack High Five!
I wanted to let you know that I am very pleased and impressed with the support that Arron is providing for my project. While today was our first meeting, it was clear that she had already reviewed some of the critical elements of the project and had initiated part of the estimating activity in advance […]
Dave Benedix High Five!
My go-to phone call is always Dave Benedix. He is unbelievable to work with. I always appreciate working with him. We are working together right now on a project in Hollis.
Jesse Loura High Five!
With all the hats that Jesse might be wearing on any given day, he put the expediter/load builder hat on to the guys in the warehouse. Asking “how can I help?” with no questions asked and just wanting to lend a helping hand. Thanks Jesse!!! Read Jesse Loura’s Story
Laura Bower, JoAnne Tarr, Kelly Donnell, Dominic Moore High Five!
A big Hancock High Five to the Augusta team of Laura, JoAnne, Kelly, and Dom for representing Hancock Lumber at the Downtown Alliance Trick or Treat event! We appreciate all the effort to support your local community and bringing smiles to the kiddos faces on Halloween!
HR Team High Five!
Hello HR Team, Thank you for a wonderful Home Office Quarterly and Best Places celebration today – what an amazing event!! It was great to see the whole office so engaged and enjoying the time and what a fun quiz with everyone involved, including a “grumpy referee”…. 😊 You have certainly set the bar high […]
Marc Dubreuil & Joe Falconieri High Five!
I was amazed at what Joe and Marc were able to do on site and how efficiently they did it. I know working their magic is the usual for them, but this time it was in my own home, with three wild & crazy little kids commentating the entire time. They took it in stride […]