Paul Hamann joined Team Hancock in May of 2024 and entered a new role at the end of year as our companywide Eastern White Pine Quality Control Manager. A new role created to ensure consistent product quality and processes across our three mills, this position brings a higher level of control and awareness for our eastern white pine across all operations.

“This role allows me the opportunity to draw upon my manufacturing and leadership experience and incorporate that experience into a quality assurance role that implements meaningful tools that better our production process as well as provide manufacturing quality and consistency to all our customers. It also provides me with the opportunity to provide that two-way communication between our manufacturing facilities and our retail sites. As we continue to grow the process, we all win!”
—Paul Hamann, Quality Control Manager
Part of what Paul is focused on is updating our systems and standard operating procedures for consistent data gathering across all our manufacturing centers. He will work collaboratively with mill teammates to ensure that we identify and communicate quality issues, along with develop action plans to fix quality at the source. Paul will also be traveling to our lumberyards on a consistent basis to do in-field inspections and understand and investigate any issues that arise. Once identified, Paul will bring feedback to the mill operations and recommend corrective actions to eliminate quality issues. In this role, Paul will be asking a lot of questions and gathering data for us to use to improve.
We caught up with Matt Duprey, Chief Sales Officer, of our Eastern White Pine business who shared why we created this role and his enthusiasm for it:
“Having an official Quality Control Manager will bring another level of consistency, accountability, and higher quality product to the marketplace. Paul will be setting up quality at the source from our sawmills to dry kilns, planer mills, moulders and finishing plant. We have always had quality control activity—but, with Paul in the role, he is focused on developing consistency in gathering data at our machine centers to drive more accuracy and higher quality. In the end, our business starts with an unbelievable species in Eastern White Pine, catering to niche markets that demand high quality, particular drying specifications, and the best milled products. Our internal and external customers will see an even better product quality with this new role. We sell our products one board at a time, so more effort in taking care of that board through our entire value stream will be Paul’s mission and goal.”
—Matt Duprey, Chief Sales Officer