It’s always so fun to see employees, our brand ambassadors, living out Hancock’s core values and share those moments with everyone. Over the last month a couple of exciting things have happened that we wanted to feature–from a collection of our people canoeing for a cause on the Royal River, to team members in Bethel talking about what’s important to them at Hancock, our people reinforce our brand and what we stand for. Every one of our employees represents the Hancock brand–day in and day out–and that’s the real magic of how our story gets told.
At Hancock Lumber, we leverage the power of engaging our 530 employees to embrace and live out our organization’s values, in turn reflecting the heart and soul of our organization, the Hancock brand! Our brand lives in what every employee does and how they represent the core values and mission.
Read below to learn more about Team Hancock living our core values.
Run of the Royal Corporate Canoe Challenge

Hancock’s Team Anchor Bolt featured here holding up signs representing the company’s core values: (L to R) Randy Miller, Levi Curtis, Kevin Hall, Sarah Dube, Mark Morissette, Cassidy Storey, Ryan Storey, and Ian Gray
Members of Team Hancock participated in the third annual Run of the Royal Corporate Canoe Challenge, held on Saturday, May 19. This four-leg, flat water canoe relay race supported the Royal River Conservation Trust and their plans to acquire and improve public paddling access points and shoreline habitat up and down the river, its tributaries, headwater ponds, and on Casco Bay.
The canoe race’s relay format, with eight racers paddling four legs (two paddlers/leg), is an amazing team-building opportunity. Hancock’s “Team Anchor Bolt” has competed for a couple years as a way to come together, stay healthy, and support our local communities.
Thank you, Team Anchor Bolt, for representing Hancock Lumber so well, living our core values, and having a fun day on the water!
Living Hancock’s Core Values: Team Hancock Bethel
Check out the video below to hear from a few members of our Bethel Sawmill team as they discuss their thoughts on the Hancock mission, core values, and everyday life working here. The video features the following employees at our Bethel facility:
- General Manager, Aaron Shulte
- Shipper, Katie McPherson
- Planer Operator, Andy Bean
- Machine Operator, Cain Davidowicz
- Sawmill Manager, Gary Easterling
- Office Manager, Joanne Mercier
- Sawmill Manager, Gary Easterling
- Lead Tech, Ray Laurinaitis
“Our company actually understands that each employee is important and that is the most important thing in our culture.” –Katie McPherson
To learn more about Hancock’s core values and mission, please learn more here.